Prayer For My Love To Think About Me All The Time


Prayer For My Love To Think About Me All The Time

Prayer for my love so that he will have me in his mind all the time. Through prayers you can achieve a lot. If your deep desire is that your loved one is by your side right now, these prayers can be of great help. Prayers are not a binding, but their power is infinite if they are done in the right way and with full faith. The person you want by your side will come to you, seek you, and you will be the center of his attention. With the following prayer for my love, the person you want will immediately want to know about you. The moment you say this prayer, that man or woman will have the impulse to think about you and communicate with you. At that moment, you will know that the prayer did its job.

Prayer for my love to Saint Michael the Archangel

Beloved prince of heaven Saint Michael the Archangel, you who are among all the angels the warrior. At this moment I humbly approach you to meet you and with my hands on my heart so that you give me tranquility and peace, so that you heal my wounds. Oh! Lord of heaven, you who are next to the protector God and you only want love for everyone, I ask you to intercede for me. Saint Michael the Archangel, quench my thirst for love, may my love relationships be lasting and true. At this moment I ask you to make (name of your loved one) to look at me with eyes of love, that his thought and his time are mine, that he only wishes to be by my side.
Lord, listen to my requests. My heart is pleading waiting to be worthy of your favors. – that you give me a simple love, with a pure and good heart. I want to fall in love and be happy. That is why I ask you to help me reach his heart so that it can truly belong to me. Amen.

Prayer for my love to think about me all-day and all-night

My Lord, for you it is all my devotion, I ask that (name of the person) always keep me in his mind, that I do not leave him for a second, that I find myself in his thoughts at all times . May he only feel for my affection, love and passion, that no one else comes to the thought of him other than me (your name). May my voice and my presence be his desire, that his thoughts are only for me as well as his feelings and kindness. Oh! Lord make me love not to hold on, I want him to miss me and be by my side. Find me, visit me and feel the need for me. I hope in you sir, and for listening to me, Amen.

The purpose of this prayer for my love is that the person for whom you pray will not have any other options than you. It will ensure that they think of you constantly and seek you to establish a relationship or improve it.