HomeEffective Love Spell TipsHOW TO FORGET YOUR EX LOVER


Spell To Make Your Lover Forget About An Ex

How to forget your ex is one of the subjects that bother most people, especially after they have experienced a breakdown in the relationship. Is it really possible to forget someone that you once shared a bed with? How about making your man to forget a woman that he was once in a relationship with? All the above are possible when you use magic and spells. The love spell to avoid remembering an ex-love are intended to make your partner more attentive and aware of you than the previous lover.

Learn how to forget your ex now! Keep your man thinking about you all the time

One way of how to forget your ex – I mean how to make the man you love to forget the woman he once shared a relationship with is to make him to keep thinking about you all the time. Not only will these spells excite your man to keep thinking of you, but they will also make your man to pay close attention to you all the time. He will cherish every moment the two of you spend together. The spell will make him to focus all his attention on you, adore you and lust for you. In doing that, he will definitely forget the woman of his past life

You can actually do this love spell at home

Before you start doing it, you must acquire the following;

Three five colored candles: red, pink, green, orange and white.


Put them forming a heart. Also, next to it add a sprig of laurel and another of mint. After you have lighted all the candles, say the following incantation aloud:
“Your mind belongs to me, your feelings too. From now on and as long as I want, you will become crazy for me. Your heart will only beat for me.”
Let the candles burn to just over half, and then blow them out and bury them in a safe place. This love spell will be fully fulfilled in the next five days. With this love spell, your man will not only be able to keep an eye on you 24 hours a day but also get excited when he starts thinking about you. In this way you will also attract him. Through full sex you will have him on you at all times – at the time you want and when you want, no matter the time or circumstances. If she is a woman, she will practically be a sex slave. Your world will be her world. Everything will turn according to how you want. Do not doubt that everything will be fulfilled as you have requested, as a result of casting his incredible and unique love spell. Happiness will be perennial and no one, a former love, will distract her from continuing to think of you at all times in her life. Learning how to forget your ex is easy. You only have to talk to a professional of magic for help on how you can achieve it faster.

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